Batman Anthology Wiki

Lieutinant Whoareyou Lieutinant Whoareyou 28 February 2022

2099 Reviews: Batman Returns (1992)

Batman Returns is a 1992 sequel to Batman and, at least in my opinion, the best film in the series.

  1. Great acting, especially from Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Michael Gough.
  2. It introduces the famous deformed Penguin design.
  3. It captures the dark and mysterious tone of the earliest Batman comics, and its predecessor, 100%.
  4. Does a beautiful job capturing the complex romance between Batman and Catwoman.
  5. Full of iconic scenes.

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Lieutinant Whoareyou Lieutinant Whoareyou 28 February 2022

Personal Fan Theories

  • Batman Forever and Batman & Robin takes place before Batman and Batman Returns. After Batman & Robin, Batman becomes worn out, gets thinner, and darkier. Commissioner Gordon took down the Bat-Signal but later set it up again after Batman's defeat of the Joker. Robin and Batgirl eventually left Bruce and Gotham.

  • The Harvey Dent in Batman and the Two-Face in Batman Forever are two separate people. The first Dent retired some point before 1995, with his son, Harvey Dent Jr., taking his place as District Attorney and later becoming Two-Face.
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Phantom Stranger Phantom Stranger 29 August 2013


I've noticed more than a few of the same old blurry screencaps that have been on the Batman wiki for years showing up here. If you don't alreday take screencaps yourself, there is a free program you can get called VLC.

Just hit Shift & S at the same time on the part you want.

It works great, I use it myself. You may have also noticed that I have yet to upload screencaps of cast interviews from movies 3 or 4. This is because I never owned them on DVD. I have the blu ray box set and I currently cannot play blu ray discs on my PC. This is where you guys come in, download VLC and start screencapin' everything in those movies. And if can already take screencaps, shame on you! Why not take your own if you can? …

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